Career Advice

The job search process can be challenging and requires thorough preparation. Get helpful articles and insight from our career experts on job search, resume writing, interview preparation, career planning, skills enhancement, salary negotiations, networking, and other areas for job search best practices.

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Many employers are now using social media in the recruitment process. Reports show that 86% of recruiters or employers rely on social media to search for employee candidates.
When crafting your resume, you carefully curate your job experience and education. Do well enough, and you reach the interview stage.
Conflicts in the workplace are always there, but it doesn’t have to hurt your work. The workplace brings unique people from all walks of life.
Businesses exist and succeed because of the people behind them. Workers drive growth and development for companies today by thinking of new, creative answers to old issues.
Job interviews are nerve-wracking experiences with uncertainties, more so if you didn’t research and mentally and emotionally prepare yourself. Apart from knowing how to gather your thoughts and stay calm throughout, part of preparing for a job interview is managing your expectations regarding the questions the interviewer will ask you.
Situational interviews focus on the future and ask assumptive questions. These job interviews help HR staff assess more honest and nuanced sense answers.
You may have all your documents ready to apply for a new job, but do you have a letter of reference ready? If your answer is no, then you might want to consider getting one. A letter of reference is helpful as it allows you to have someone else validate the skills and experience that you have.
Asking for feedback can be nerve-wracking because it’s partly a reflection of yourself and what others think of you. However, it’s refreshing to receive feedback.