Career Advice

The job search process can be challenging and requires thorough preparation. Get helpful articles and insight from our career experts on job search, resume writing, interview preparation, career planning, skills enhancement, salary negotiations, networking, and other areas for job search best practices.

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Your interviewer will throw all sorts of questions at you to try to determine who you are and if you are the right fit for the job. One question that is often asked at the beginning of an interview is, 'can you describe yourself in three words?’
The guy that delivered your pizza for dinner is a gig worker. The woman who dropped you off to work this morning is a gig worker.
Whether it’s caring for relatives, traveling, or starting a family, people have many reasons for needing a career break. Typically, they are three months or longer and for reasons other than redundancy.
Including your special skills on your resume is key to your job search success. They will signify to an employer what your strengths and abilities are.
When a job seeker conducts their job search, they need to decide which industry they want to work in. When searching within an industry they may choose a career that is familiar to them.
It’s a part of human nature to aspire for growth. Growth doesn’t always mean a promotion in your present workplace or completing a new certification course.
The healthcare industry has some of the highest demand for labor in America. The reality is, people will always have health requirements and therefore a need for healthcare workers.
The hospitality industry is one that consistently attracts job seekers from all backgrounds. If you enjoy creating positive and enjoyable experiences for others, then the hospitality industry may be a good fit for you.