The 5 Parts of a Cover Letter for Your Job Application

The 5 Parts of a Cover Letter for Your Job Application

When looking for a job, you probably think only submitting a resume will suffice. While that may be true, having a cover letter submitted along with the resume can also impact your chances of being hired.

Crafting the perfect resume is taught to everyone before they're sent out to the world. However, not everyone knows how to write a cover letter. Before you start drafting one, you'll need to know the parts of a cover letter. You need to consider the position you're applying for, relevant qualifications to improve, and valuable skills.

Writing a Cover Letter

Proper structuring is important when it comes to your cover letter parts. A good cover letter provides benefits compared to just sending a resume. Among other things, it helps you stand out, especially in a job opening with many applicants.

The primary purpose of having a cover letter is to engage employers when they review your application. Succeeding in this can help give you an interview and maybe even an offer. It also shows information they may not find on your resume, like your motivation.

Parts of a Cover Letter

A cover letter is a one-page document submitted along with your resume. Since all companies are different, it's important to tailor your cover letter to ensure it aligns with your job's values.

For each position, you'll need to tailor the letter in a way that helps you stand out to employers. These include regularly modifying the following depending on the job description:

  1. Salutation

    The salutation part of your cover letter is your greeting. Doing this makes the letter seem much more personal since you're addressing a specific person. That means you're better off writing a “Mr.” or “Ms.” Instead of a “To whom it may concern.” To make this part more effective, you'll have to do some research to understand who will be reviewing your resume.

  2. Opening line

    The opening line sets the tone for any cover letter. It has the potential to make the entire document more memorable. Examples of strong opening lines can include jokes and puns. You can also open a cover letter with strong emotions, like passion or enthusiasm.

  3. Story

    The story is the biggest part of your cover letter. This part is your unique selling point, covering your skills, qualifications, and what you can bring to the table if you're hired. Here, you write the details of what makes you stand out compared to others. It's nearly impossible to have a similar career journey with someone else.

  4. Closing line

    Once you finish the letter's main body, a closing line allows you to end the letter gracefully and professionally. It's also here where you can express gratitude and thank the employer for their time. A good closing line summarizes your letter, meaning you should also remind the employer why you make the perfect fit for the role.

  5. Signature

    You can find the signature at the very bottom of the cover letter. It has your name, signature, and sign-offs like “Sincerely” or “Regards.” It's perhaps the least important to include out of the five, but it's a good closer. Contact information is unnecessary here since they can already find it on your resume.

A Letter That's Got You Covered!

Cover letters are a great way to add value to your application. Drafting one also highlights your motivations and expectations for the role. It tells employers that you're a candidate they should consider because you have the qualifications and skills to fulfill the role.

A good cover letter is nothing without any prospects. With over 51,000 job openings available, can help you land your dream job today!

Written by Career Specialist Apr 27, 2023
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