Why Work Personalities Matter: 4 Types You Need to Know

Why Work Personalities Matter: 4 Types You Need to Know

Personality is just as important as job credentials because companies and individuals have different cultures.

Employers typically use assessments like Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Caliper Profile, or Big Five Inventory. Sometimes, they would even ask a simple “Tell me a joke” question during an interview to learn about the applicant's personality.

Understand the common work personalities to know how they can affect work performance.

Why Do Personality Types at Work Matter?

Companies require teamwork. To succeed, there must be matching personality types at work. Knowing their employees better help managers and supervisors to place them in the right projects or teams.

Hiring incompatible people can also be an HR nightmare. Workers who feel they belong are less likely to quit. Losing an employee is as expensive as 30%–150% of their salary. It affects company finances and drops morale

Meanwhile, job seekers can use work personality types to know their talents, strengths, and weaknesses.

The strengths and weaknesses of your staff must complement each other, not clash. Of course, human beings are far more complex. So, think of these as just guides, not the sole basis of an individual's personality.

The 4 Common Personality Types At Work

Process Street listed 4 personality types at work. Here is a rendition of what they explained in the article:

  1. The Analytical

    Think of scientists and other logicians under this work personality. The Analytical is a classic mathematical thinker. While they are often quiet and introverted, they don't act on impulse. They may seem moody, aloof, or indecisive.

    Be straightforward with The Analytical. Give them time to absorb things so you can work with them in harmony.

  2. The Amiable

    The most agreeable work personality is The Amiable. These employees are gentle and kind, avoiding conflict as much as possible. However, as nice as they are, they can also become stubborn and passive-aggressive when handling disputes.

    Be considerate with The Amiable. Avoid overburdening them, and encourage them to try new things and take risks.

  3. The Driver

    The Driver is a natural leader who knows how to command a room. Of all the personality types, The Driver is the most enthusiastic and determined, though their demeanor seems harsh and uncaring. To get on their good side, be prepared when approaching them. Give them the credit they deserve, so they feel appreciated.

  4. The Expressive

    The Expressive may be the company clown. They can be loud, enjoy having fun, and invite others to do the same. This work personality generates enthusiasm for a project. They also have a sincere desire to work with a team.

    Despite their likability, these employees can be disorganized. It's fun to laugh at their jokes, but it's even better to listen to their ideas for your projects.

Working in Harmony

No personality is better than the other. However, knowing the main personality types at work can be beneficial. If you know what type of team player you are, you can quickly tell what you can bring to the company. Who knows? They may be looking for you.

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Written by Career Specialist Jun 02, 2023
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